Boat's out of the water now. I arrived at the dock early and had a bit of lunch. While I was eating, a newish Catalina 36 came in towed by an also newish Catalina 40. Two steering wheels on that one, whoohoo.
The 36 had hit a log in Commencement Bay and bent the prop or shaft and could not make way on it's own.
The haul went well. The travelift operator said Scamper weighs 12,500 pounds. That's full of fuel and about 3/4 full of water with all most cruising gear aboard. C&C's specs put the displacement at "approximately" 10,090 pounds.
I drilled a 1/4 hole in the bottom of the rudder to make sure it wasn't full of water. No problem there. I left it overnight and then filled it with epoxy. I was also able to rebuild an old Groco seacock that has been broken since I bought the boat. I called Groco about it some time ago and they were extremely helpful with tips about what I would find when I got around to the job.
I was also able to clean the prop and shaft and replace the zincs.
Hopefully the paint will go on this week and Scamper will get back in the water by next weekend.