That time of year again. Hauled, painted the bottom, polished the topsides, and put on a new prop.
The new prop is a 3-blade Campbell Sailor, 14" diameter, 7" pitch, from WestByNorth.com. It replaces a 2-blade folding Martec, 16" diameter, 10" pitch.
So far, in just a half hour of motoring, the results look very good. Much reduced vibration and much higher spped at all RPMs. Backing and prop-walk were never much of a problem with the Martec so I can't really say it has improved. We'll have to see about sailing performance.
Scamper's engine and prop are offset to port so prop walk is magnified anyway. I've always been pretty happy being able to use the boat's ability to back severly to port though it's sometimes been annoying.
John, sounds like I have the same Martec folding prop on Morning View that you had. I'm never happy with the thrust I get at any rpm and my speed has always seemed low. I'm thinking of switching to a fixed so I'd definitely like to hear your thoughts under sail.
C&C34 Morning View
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