Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The Real Wish List

It's common to make a list of things to do on the boat. I keep mine on my Treo phone using ThoughtManager. It has a desktop component too and is pretty useful for many other things besides the boat list.

But the real list needs to be the voyages and adventures I want to get to in the upcoming season.

Swiftsure - I'd really like to do Swiftsure but there are several issues I need to tackle. I'm mostly done with modifications and gear purchases that make the boat conform to the race requirements. I still have to work out a crew and then the logistics of everyone getting time off, getting the boat to Victoria, back home, etc.

Olympia - We had a great time in Oly last Memorial day. We'd like to do it again but that gets in the way of Swiftsure.

San Juans, Victoria - For the last three years we did our "big" summer trip in a chartered powerboat. This is a nice change and is very comfortable for the entire family. Two years ago we took my parents and that turned out to be a very memorable trip for us all. This year we will very likely do this in Scamper and, since there's now the relatively slow leg north from Tacoma, the trip will be in sections which present their own logistics to work out.

My "week off" trip - The wife and kids usually go to the Oregon coast for a week in the summer which leaves me time to do a "carefree" sail trip. I'm torn between a trip to some busy and interesting port like Port Townsend, versus a trip to some quiet, out of the way spot like Cutts Island in the South Sound.

Mid Sound - I have really enjoyed Eagle Harbor the few times I've been there and would like to get back. Maybe I'll fold that into another trip and make it a stopover enroute to Port Townsend or further north. The ports behind Bainbridge are nice too - Bremerton, Port Orchard, and Poulsbo. An overnight at Elliot Bay or Bell Harbor marina might be fun too.

Vancouver Island Circumnavigation - Someday, but not this year.

Vic Maui - Even better!


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